Poradniki ASP


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ASP klasyczny

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Samouczek ADO

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Właściwość statusu ADO

❮ Pełne odniesienie do obiektu zestawu rekordów

Właściwość Status zwraca co najmniej jedną wartość RecordStatusEnum , która wskazuje status bieżącego rekordu w odniesieniu do aktualizacji wsadowych lub innych operacji zbiorczych.




Constant Value Description
adRecOK 0 Record successfully updated
adRecNew 0x1 Record is new
adRecModified 0x2 Record modified
adRecDeleted 0x4 Record deleted
adRecUnmodified 0x8 Record not modified
adRecInvalid 0x10 Record not saved; invalid bookmark
adRecMultipleChanges 0x40 Record not saved; would have affected multiple records
adRecPendingChanges 0x80 Record not saved; refers to a pending insert
adRecCanceled 0x100 Record not saved; operation was canceled
adRecCantRelease 0x400 New record not saved; existing record was locked
adRecConcurrencyViolation 0x800 Record not saved; optimistic concurrency was in use
adRecIntegrityViolation 0x1000 Record not saved; user violated integrity constraints
adRecMaxChangesExceeded 0x2000 Record not saved; too many pending changes
adRecObjectOpen 0x4000 Record not saved; conflict with an open storage object
adRecOutOfMemory 0x8000 Record not saved; computer has run out of memory
adRecPermissionDenied 0x10000 Record not saved; user has insufficient permissions
adRecSchemaViolation 0x20000 Record not saved; violates the structure of the database
adRecDBDeleted 0x40000 Record already deleted from the data source

❮ Pełne odniesienie do obiektu zestawu rekordów