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Zaawansowany PHP

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PHP Różne Funkcje

Różne wprowadzenie do PHP

Różne funkcje zostały umieszczone tutaj tylko dlatego, że żadna z pozostałych kategorii nie pasowała.


Różne funkcje są częścią jądra PHP. Do korzystania z tych funkcji nie jest wymagana instalacja.

Konfiguracja środowiska uruchomieniowego

Zachowanie misc. na funkcje mają wpływ ustawienia w pliku php.ini.

Różne opcje konfiguracji:

Name Description Default Changeable
ignore_user_abort FALSE indicates that scripts will be terminated as soon as they try to output something after a client has aborted their connection "0" PHP_INI_ALL
highlight.string Color for highlighting a string in PHP syntax "#DD0000" PHP_INI_ALL
highlight.comment Color for highlighting PHP comments "#FF8000" PHP_INI_ALL
highlight.keyword Color for syntax highlighting PHP keywords (e.g. parenthesis and semicolon) "#007700" PHP_INI_ALL
highlight.default Default color for PHP syntax "#0000BB" PHP_INI_ALL
highlight.html Color for HTML code "#000000" PHP_INI_ALL
browscap Name and location of browser-capabilities file (e.g. browscap.ini) NULL PHP_INI_SYSTEM

Różne funkcje PHP

Function Description
connection_aborted() Checks whether the client has disconnected
connection_status() Returns the current connection status
connection_timeout() Deprecated from PHP 4.0.5. Checks whether the script has timed out
constant() Returns the value of a constant
define() Defines a constant
defined() Checks whether a constant exists
die() Alias of exit()
eval() Evaluates a string as PHP code
exit() Prints a message and exits the current script
get_browser() Returns the capabilities of the user's browser
__halt_compiler() Halts the compiler execution
highlight_file() Outputs a file with the PHP syntax highlighted
highlight_string() Outputs a string with the PHP syntax highlighted
hrtime() Returns the system's high resolution time
ignore_user_abort() Sets whether a remote client can abort the running of a script
pack() Packs data into a binary string
php_strip_whitespace() Returns the source code of a file with PHP comments and whitespace removed
show_source() Alias of highlight_file()
sleep() Delays code execution for a number of seconds
sys_getloadavg() Returns the system load average
time_nanosleep() Delays code execution for a number of seconds and nanoseconds
time_sleep_until() Makes a script sleep until the specified time
uniqid() Generates a unique ID
unpack() Unpacks data from a binary string
usleep() Delays code execution for a number of microseconds

PHP Predefiniowane Różne Stałe

Constant Description
CONNECTION_ABORTED Connection is aborted by user or network error
CONNECTION_NORMAL Connection is running normally
CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Connection timed out