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Zaawansowany PHP

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Funkcje sieciowe PHP

Wprowadzenie do sieci PHP

Funkcje sieciowe zawierają różne funkcje sieciowe i umożliwiają manipulowanie informacjami wysyłanymi do przeglądarki przez serwer sieciowy, zanim zostaną wysłane jakiekolwiek inne dane wyjściowe.


Funkcje sieciowe są częścią rdzenia PHP. Korzystanie z tych funkcji nie wymaga instalacji.

Funkcje sieciowe PHP

Function Description
checkdnsrr() Checks DNS records for type corresponding to host
closelog() Closes the connection of system logger
define_syslog_variables() Deprecated and removed in PHP 5.4. Initializes the variables used in syslog functions
dns_check_record() Alias of checkdnsrr()
dns_get_mx() Alias of getmxrr()
dns_get_record() Gets the DNS resource records associated with the specified hostname
fsockopen() Opens an Internet or Unix domain socket connection
gethostbyaddr() Returns the domain name for a given IP address
gethostbyname() Returns the IPv4 address for a given domain/host name
gethostbynamel() Returns a list of IPv4 address for a given domain/host name
gethostname() Returns the host name
getmxrr() Returns the MX records for the specified internet host name
getprotobyname() Returns the protocol number for a given protocol name
getprotobynumber()      Returns the protocol name for a given protocol number
getservbyname() Returns the port number for a given Internet service and protocol
getservbyport() Returns the Internet service for a given port and protocol
header_register_callback() Calls a header function
header_remove() Removes an HTTP header previously set with the header() function
header() Sends a raw HTTP header to a client
headers_list() Returns a list of response headers to be sent to the browser
headers_sent() Checks if/where headers have been sent
http_response_code() Sets or returns the HTTP response status code
inet_ntop() Converts a 32bit IPv4 or 128bit IPv6 address into a readable format
inet_pton() Converts a readable IP address into a packed 32bit IPv4 or 128bit IPv6 format
ip2long() Converts an IPv4 address into a long integer
long2ip() Converts a long integer address into a string in IPv4 format
openlog() Opens the connection of system logger
pfsockopen() Opens a persistent Internet or Unix domain socket connection
setcookie() Defines a cookie to be sent along with the rest of the HTTP headers
setrawcookie() Defines a cookie (without URL encoding) to be sent along with the rest of the HTTP headers
socket_get_status() Alias of stream_get_meta_data()
socket_set_blocking() Alias of stream_set_blocking()
socket_set_timeout() Alias of stream_set_timeout()
syslog() Generates a system log message